Memories from Scott

2013 March 08

Created by Mitchell/Morgan Family 11 years ago
Memories I have of Gran are even after I had my own place and even after we got married, Gran would have me come over for lunch usually once a month and ask if I needed any clothes or shoes, and then take me to Dillard’s or Macy’s and have me grab a couple things for me to wear either for work or just around. Even if I told her I didn’t need anything she would press and say that I could use new jeans or a shirt and tell me she was taking me to the mall to pick out some new clothes. I also remember Gran for helping discipline me as I was growing up. I didn’t like it at the time, but when I did something to get into trouble, she would have me go outside and pull a switch off a tree to use. I know I definitely needed it. After Marcus was born, we didn’t tell her for the first couple of months thinking she would be upset since I was just out of high school. But showing her pics of Marcus and telling her, since was so happy she had a great grandson and wasn’t disappointed at all. After that, she spoiled her 2 great grandsons with love and toys and anything they wanted. She was always to have us over and help us anyway she could.