For our Mom

2013 March 16

Created by susanmorgan1124 11 years ago
There is no way that Marilyn and I can tell all the wonderful memories we have of our mother. When we were very little, we kept our mom very busy chasing us, especially when we did something wrong. We had a dog named Lassie, and I would yell, Lassie mom is after us, and she would jump on our mom. As I am sure she was not thrilled, she would pet Lassie, but then "yes' we got in trouble. Birthdays, holidays, family reunions were so special to our parents. A tradition and love they passed on to us. And now hopefully i have passed on to my sons. Mom always had get togethers with friends, and we at least were able to share some of the goodies. As we got older, there were parties and practices for music programs at my house. Mom always cooked up some wonderful food for all to have. Friends were always at our house, even with the mess that was made, she enjoyed having them. As a lifetime friend said, we still had to scrub the mess that was left behind. Our friends, would call our parents "mom" and "dad". At Halloween we had a fun spook house in our garage, and all the neighborhood kids would be there. At Thanksgiving we would pick up pine cones and make fun baskets. Come Christmas time our house was ever so lit up, and many different things in our yard, one favorite was Jesus is the Reason. There were elves, and as they aged, the grandsons were able to help our dad re-paint them, while mom made cookies inside. We had a live tree, until the time my dad and i brought one home that was so big it hit the roof. At that point mom said no more, we are going the artificial tree. Mom sewed all of our clothes until late high school, and they were beautiful. She made my Senior prom dress from looking at a picture I found. Trips to see lovely scenery were one of our weekend outings. She loved cooking, and it took along time for our dad to get her to agree on a microwave. And we also would hang clothes outside to dry for many years, until finally she gave into a dryer. Mom was kept busy with PTA,,sewing dresses, being the mom that we cherish,supporting the music programs,keeping us well fed, and still having time for projects she enjoyed doing with her friends,church, making outfits for skating which I loved. But, it was the roller skates, I could never grasp onto ice skating. She loved embarassing us with her friends, as during a baseball game, she would yell touchdown. As years passed mom continued to help with parties in our High School years. she loved doing it, and would be so happy at the final turnout. She and our dad, had rules ,if they were not followed we either had round table discussions, or the famous grounding, and once in a while the small spanking and the words"this hurts us more than it does you" (right) Words she would hear me say to my sons, and I think it hurt her more than the boys. Our respect was always there even when it did not show. She treasured her two grandsons, who would take over the pictures of marilyn and I in her wallet. And spoiled them, dear heaven yes. But, she loved doing it. As we got quite abit older not always agreeing with mom, eventually we would talk it out. I learned of how she missed her mom everyday, who she lost at the age of 17. We shared alot of boyfriend stories, and sat up late nights talking in my earlier years, and would share stories of the grandsons in later years. Then came the two Great-grandsons that she absolutely thought were so precious. All we can really say is how much family meant. But, we could never say enough about our years that were filled with laughing, sadness, trials and triumphs that are forever a part of both of us. About a mom who is now missed so dearly. But that we always got to say I Love You everytime we saw her. Her smile, beauty, love for her daughters, grandsons, great-grandsons will be cherished forever. I also want to thank God for the time I had with mom sharing words about faith, The Lord, His Word, and the love He had for her. It gave us a chance to grow close in the most blessed way. I will miss when I could put my head in her lap, and said I need my mom, Marilyn will miss the times she just held her hands,visiting, we both will miss getting her the chocolate shakes she so loved and giving her kisses. But, we are forever grateful for the years we had with our mom as well as our dad, that only we can share. The memories will eventually overshadow the times we are going through now. So on March 1, 2013, our Lord took her home to be with Him. She is now well, happy, she loved singing, so we know she is singing in Heaven. Mom We will love and treasure you forever Susan and Marilyn